
How is Rice Bran Oil made from Rice

What is rice bran oil made from?

Rice bran oil has been cherished for ages, mostly in Asian skincare and food practices. In this blog post, you will understand the creation of rice bran oil from rice. Starting from understanding what rice bran is and what is rice bran oil made of, we’ll delve into exploring its versatile applications, also its benefits for hair and skin.

Both rice and rice bran oil are part of rice paddy. There are so many by-products derived in the process of making rice from a paddy. One of them is rice bran, and that is what the oil is made from.


Rice bran oil, which is actually derived from the outer layer of rice grains, is just like a powerhouse of nutrients and is well known for its versatility. Not only is it an excellent cooking oil for better health, but it’s also a great ingredient in skincare and haircare practices.

Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, rice bran oil is a gentle oil yet powerful that nurtures both the body and soul. In fact, from the kitchen to the beauty cabinet, this oil has proven its worth. Rice bran oil is majorly used in soaps made by cold process, Rice bran wax is also a by-product from rice bran which is used more often in balms.

What is Bran in rice?

The outer layer of rice, often removed during the rice milling process, is known as rice bran. This outer layer brown in color is all fiber substance, It is the same substance of brown color on brown rice. When brown rice is polished rice bran is extracted.

Explaining Rice bran through a paddy seed

Rice Bran is a nutrient-rich part of the grain that contains the germ and endosperm. Though often overlooked, rice bran has a great number of health benefits. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, it’s a holistic source of goodness that can be harnessed to elevate our well-being.

How is Rice bran oil made from rice bran?

We have already discussed how the rice bran is extracted from the rice grains during the milling process. To maintain clarity, Rice bran is the outer layer of rice consisting of germ and endosperm. The rice bran comes out in powder form when the rice grains are polished from brown rice to white rice.

The paddy seeds representing the bran on rice grains
Rice grains along with the bran layer

This rice bran is then brought by solvent companies from rice mills to extract the oil of this bran. At this stage, the bran undergoes a thorough pressing process and the extraction is refined hence refined oil is made. This golden-colored oil is now ready to be a part of your daily life, offering its versatile benefits.

During this process, a creamy and thick semi-solid form of a substance called Rice bran wax is also formed. This rice bran wax is also used in various ways. Lip balms are very often made using rice bran wax for its good consistency and skin benefits.

Benefits of Rice Bran Oil in Cooking

Not only a chef’s delight but also a healthy choice. With its high smoke point, it is known to be perfect for frying, sautéing, and baking. Also, it is light which doesn’t overwhelm the taste, and is very low in saturated fats.

  1. High Smoke Point
  2. Maintains Neutral Taste
  3. Heart-Healthy
  4. Low in saturated fats
  5. Ideal for all types of cooking
  6. Maintains good Cholesterol levels
  7. Rich in Antioxidants
  8. Good for the immune System
  9. Better Digestion
  10. Stays fresh for much longer
  11. Economical and efficient

I personally have no better option than this oil which balances proper cooking, good taste, and good health all very properly. making this the best option for great taste and good health.

Benefits of rice bran oil for skin

I would say rice bran oil is a true champion when it comes to skincare. Its lightweight and non-greasy texture makes it the perfect option for skincare. It moisturizes, nourishes, and leaves your skin glowing. Japanese use rice bran oil as the secret to softening skin.

  1. Moisturizes and Nourishes Skin
  2. Natural Radiant for Skin
  3. Fights Acne
  4. Reduces Blemishes
  5. Gives Anti-Aging Skin
  6. Protects Skin from Sun Damage
  7. Has a Small Amount of SPF

Using of rice bran oil made from rice on skin

You should also know more about how asians used rice ingredients for their skincare routine in ancient times. Rice has been a skincare routine for ancients in countries like China, Korea, Japan, India, and other Asian.

Benefits for hair

Bran oil isn’t just about making your dishes delish. It’s a game-changer for your hair too! Here’s why:

  1. Promotes Hair Growth
  2. Heals Split End
  3. Controls Dandruff
  4. Calms and Nourishes the Scalp
  5. Adds Natural Shine
  6. Prevents Tangling
  7. Helps Retain Color

Hair benefits from rice

Also, Rice water also does a great magic for hair. we also have a blog article explaining how rice water is good for hair growth.

So, whether you’re cooking up a storm in the kitchen or nurturing your skin and hair, remember, Bran oil is here to add its magic to your life. Embrace this liquid gold, let it enhance your dishes, and nourish your beauty. Every drop is a testament to the marvels hidden within nature.